Firsthand photos just in from Haiti

Firsthand photos just in from Haiti

My colleague George Martell, an award-winning photojournalist, is in Haiti over the next few days with Cardinal Seån O'Malley, six weeks after the massive earthquake that left an estimated 300,000 people dead. Cardinal O'Malley was to arrive in Haiti on Monday to see firsthand the recovery efforts and to bring the love and concern of the people of Boston to their brothers and sisters in need. The Cardinal is a member of a recently formed Haiti Advisory Group that will assist the US Church in advising how best to provide for the long-term needs of the Church in Haiti. George arrived a day early to document what is going on there now. The devastation is still awful and we can't let it slip from our minds and hearts. The loss of life and destruction of society is on an unprecedented scale. George told me tonight that at St. Francis de Sales Hospital, part of the collapsed building still holds the bodies of 200 children who were patients. Yet the part of the building that stands is still being used as a hospital. Unbelievable. Stay tuned over the next couple of days because George will be uploading more photos.

Photos can be found at You can also follow BostonCatholic at Facebook and Twitter. I run those social media outlets, by the way.

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