End of moral domination in Portugal

End of moral domination in Portugal

“Portugal votes on legalising abortion in early pregnancy”

Portugal yesterday voted to sweep away centuries of moral domination by the Roman Catholic church in a referendum allowing the government to reform one of Europe’s most restrictive abortion laws.

Biased and slanted reporting? How could anyone suggest such a thing of London’s Guardian newspaper? You make it sound like “moral domination” is a bad thing and that “sweeping it away” is a good thing.

Well, just wait until the Holy Inquisition hears about what the naughty and wayward Portuguese are doing. Why, they must be loading the racks and stakes (for burning) onto the planes at Ciampino airport even now.

Those brave Portuguese, throwing off the oppressive Church for the freedom and gaiety of the culture of death in which every mother is given the opportunity—nay, the duty!—to kill her unborn child. Tra la! Tra la!

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  • But wasn’t there an earthquake immediately following the vote?

    The whole world has gone mad. To kill a little child is to kill God who sent him or her.  To reject the child is to reject Jesus.  God help us all.  Is Malta the only place on earth that does no permit people to murder their chidren without legal consequenses now? 

    Mother Thersa said that the fruit of Abortion is Nuclear War.  Get ready for a big basket of apples, oranges, grapes and bananas!

    “Whatsoever you do to the least of my bretheren, that you do unto Me.”

    We will have a demonstatation on Thursday against a Catholic Docror who is killing Children.  Dr. Ramond Lopez.

  • Abortion is still illegal in Ireland. And the Portuguese vote, I thought, hasn’t changed anything there yet. (Not enough total votes?) So now would be a great time to pray for Portugal (of all places. Sigh. Cry.) We all know how difficult it is to be rid of abortion “rights” once they are in place!

