Doctor must pay for child after botched contraceptive

Doctor must pay for child after botched contraceptive

We’re seeing more and more of these cases. At first doctors were being held liable for handicapped kids being born after botched abortions. Then they were being sued for healthy kids born after botched abortions or failing to diagnose pregnancy. Now, a German court has ordered a doctor to pay child support for a child born after he botched a contraceptive implant.

It looks like the German media, unlike their American counterparts, are still capable of seeing the moral problems—but not all of them of course.

“A child as a case for damages — this perverse idea has now been confirmed by one of Germany’s highest courts,” conservative Die Welt daily newspaper wrote in an editorial on Wednesday. ... “In addition to the highly private inkling that he was not wanted by his parents, he now has official confirmation that he was born by mistake,” Die Welt also said.

The court-ordered payments will continue until the child is 18 years old. The dad, who abandoned mother and child, will also be compensated for costs he’s already paid.

What a lovely society we live in. Children are treated like medical byproducts, doctors are treated like slot machines, and parents bear no responsibility for the actions they take. Anyone who thinks that any contraceptive is 100 percent reliable is a fool, but hey, in today’s world it’s always someone else’s fault.

I wonder if the court will order the doctor to pay for the kid’s therapy too. After all, he now has public confirmation of how his parents really look at him.

[Thanks to reader Paul for the link.]

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