CBS journalist promotes “Jesus Juice” wine

CBS journalist promotes “Jesus Juice” wine

Maybe not all mainstream journalists are biased against Christians, but enough of them are that every once in a while they can’t help showing their hostility. For instance, a CBS News producer started producing a wine he called “Jesus Juice (“blood of Christ”; get it?), with a bottle label showing Christ in the corpus pose, but made up to look like Michael Jackson. (Go to the link and click on the picture links to see what I mean.)

Because this guy was evidently covering the Michael Jackson trial when he came up with the idea, it has become a controversy involving CBS News. In the end, it’s just incredibly bad taste and more evidence of a hostile anti-Christian media.

  • So should someone now found Rather Publishing specializing in phony works attributed to dead authors that look as if they were typed on an IBM Selectric?

    I’m sure that this reporter would think that in bad taste.

  • I don’t know whether this changes the matter—though certainly neither Dom nor the linked Newsbusters article refers to it. But it seems important to me.

    The term “Jesus Juice” doesn’t refer to the Blood of Christ, at least in the specific context of Michael Jackson, 2005, and a reporter who covered the trial. In his child-molestation trial, the accuser said Jackson would ply him and his younger brother with wine, telling them it was “Jesus juice.” The term is Jackson’s, not the newsman-vintner’s, and this also explains the mocking icons of a crucified Jackson.

    This is certainly evidence of MSM mockery of Michael Jackson, and perhaps generalized bad taste. But I really don’t think it evidence of MSM hostility to Christianity.

