NFP if you want to get married in Phoenix

NFP if you want to get married in Phoenix

Bravo to Bishop Thomas Olmsted of Phoenix. He is one of three US bishops who requires natural family planning classes for anyone wanting to get married in the Church. The other two are Archbishop Chaput of Denver and Bishop Aquila of Fargo, North Dakota.

Melanie and I are both big proponents of NFP, not just because of the child spacing issues, but because if it’s done properly it helps the future wife and mother learn more about her own body and her fertility, it helps the future husband and father learn about his fiancee’s fertility, it helps them both start thinking of marriage as intimately related to family, it makes fertility a shared responsibility, and it places it all in a context of spirituality, faith, and the Church’s teachings.

NFP is not a magic bullet nor is it guaranteed that the classes will be taught well, but it’s certainly better than what most couples get now, which is next to nothing.

Now if only they could ensure that something along the lines of Theology of the Body is incorporated in the classes…

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  • Interesting that the Archdiocese of Denver is reported to require NFP instruction.  An engaged couple I know at my boomer-friendly Denver suburb parish distinctly remarked that the parish office downplayed NFP classes as merely optional, embarrasing almost.

  • How about direct study of Humanae Vitae or, better yet, Castii Canubii? Or are we too dumb for that?

    Couples should get a few hours on those documents with the frank explanation under the heading: This is what your Church teaches, if you don’t like it please consider going elsewhere for your ceremony, marriage is a Church sacrament!  Coming from married lay people who have “survived” would be all the more salient.

    I’ve come to find out that “Catholic” weddings are highly sought after by “Catholics” who haven’t been to Mass in years. It is time for some gentle face-smacking.

    Also, the whole last year of CCD needs to be devoted to this issue. 16 year olds need to be told the Truth: the biggest decision they will ever make in their lives will be their choice of a spouse … not their career choice, not their college. Spouse selection is EVERYTHING. To that end, even as 16 year olds there is much to be learned from dating, from observing their parents and older relatives.

  • “Also, the whole last year of CCD needs to be devoted to this issue. 16 year olds need to be told the Truth: the biggest decision they will ever make in their lives will be their choice of a spouse … not their career choice, not their college. Spouse selection is EVERYTHING. To that end, even as 16 year olds there is much to be learned from dating, from observing their parents and older relatives.”

    YES, YES, YES!

    That just dawned on me the other day.  I’m lucky, I found a good spouse through no fault of my own.  You can be sure that I will tell (and tell and tell) my daughter the above facts several times over the next few years.

