November 2001 Archive
Other stuff I'm doing. My brother-in-law Pete runs the Proud2bCatholic web site. I've been writing an occasional column for it called "Why Proud2BCatholic?" We've also started collaborating on a new weekly comic strip that follows the antics of a newly ordained priest and his youth group. Check it out every Sunday. We've gotten good response from it.
Oy! That took longer than I expected. I've been updating this web site from my iBook, but I had a major crash on it. I had to save, delete. format, and reload everything. Then the deadline for the magazine came up and now here I am. Whats up? How about some movie reviews...

Romantic comedy without Julia Roberts: David Duchovny and Minnie Driver-- theyre not exactly what the couple I would have thought of right away for a love story, but it turns out that it worked in Return to Me. In brief: Duchovny's wife dies in a car accident and her heart is donated for transplant. Minnie is waiting for a heart and -- BANG-- a story is born. Eventually, lo and behold!, the two of them meet and fall in love. You can guess how it all ends up; there are no surprises in the plot. However, the casting was great. Carroll O'Connor and Robert Loggia play Minnie's Irish grandpa and his best friend, respectively. The two of them own an Irish-Italian restaurant and they're all-too-brief on-screen collaboration was fun to watch. And Jim Belushi as the loveable oaf-husband of co-star/director Bonnie Hunt begins his typecasting in that role.

It's a nice little story about love with some nice backdrops of Rome and an undercurrent of the kindly grandpa's faith in God thrown in. Color me surprised-- I liked it.

Geritol in Space: Clint Eastwood, Tommy Lee Jones, Donald Sutherland, and James Garner made Space Cowboys a fun little movie to watch. Their hysterical interactions, especially seeing as three of the four of the former action stars are in or approaching their seventies. (Tommy is only in his fifties). Much of the depiction of the space program is fairly accurate, except for the compressed training schedule and a lot of the orbital mechanics in the space scenes. But it was great to see Clint squinting at a nemesis and throwing barbed lines once again. I don't care if he's a septugenatian; I wouldn't cross him.

I See Superheroes: From the director who brought you "Sixth Sense", we now have Unbreakable. From now on, I'm going to see every movie that M. Night Shyamalan makes. This wasn't as a good as Sixth Sense necessarily but it was very interesting. The things this guy does with the camera, pacing, lighting and all those subtle extras that most directors ignore is great. Bruce Willis is an average Joe who finds out that he can't get hurt or sick, except ..... He's also strong as an ox and has an uncanny, well, sixth sense about people. Samuel L. Jackson is almost the complete opposite, suffering from a disease that makes his bones incredibly brittle. His character helps Bruce's discover his abilities.

I like the son and his need for his father to be more than he thought he was. The scenes with the estranged wife seemed strange. People spend a lot of time standing around not talking. Hey, and Bruce looks just like my brother in this movie.

Computer Geek News: It's been a long time since my last update. I upgraded my computer to Mac OS X 10.1, and while it's a fantastic new operating system, Adobe GoLive (the program I use for my web pages) doesn't work well with it. I had to boot back into my old OS, Mac OS 9.2.1 to do this update. Once Microsoft updates Office to work with OS X, and I get a new printer capable of working with it, I think I'll be switching full-time.

I also bought a new mouse. It's the Logitech Cordless Mouseman Optical. It has no wire and no mouseball and it's great. My old mouse's cord kept getting caught on stuff and was a real annoyance. This new mouse is can be used anywhere, doesn't need a mousepad, and it even has multiple buttons. I only wish it had OS X drivers so that I could program the extra buttons for use in that OS.

All of September's entries are now in the Archives.