Another view on the Arlington diocese program

Another view on the Arlington diocese program

David Alexander addresses the Arlington diocese “Good Touch, Bad Touch” program with more eloquence than I have.

Meanwhile, the diocese spins its meeting with parents. They say:

The spectrum of feedback ranged from parents in support of the Charter requirement to put safe environment programs for children in place in schools to parents opposed to any sexual abuse prevention for children whatsoever. Some stated that they wanted to be involved in the development of such a program, and were upset with the process to date. Some parents expressed the opinion that they know and will decide when and if their children are ready to hear such information, and that it is not the purview of the Church to decide. Others expressed appreciation for the work that had been done and support for the proposed program for children.

Yet, the newspaper reporter and parents who were at the meeting saw it differently.

In a four-hour hearing ending at 11 p.m., a majority of the 230 people at All Saints Catholic Church hooted, booed and hurled catcalls at a handful of diocesan employees, who defended the program.

If you were only to read the diocese’s recap, you’d believe that there were equal amounts of people who approved and rejected the program. Yet those who were there, including the third-party observer, recognize that it was the vast majority who objected.


