Amazon Kindle Matchbook is a great idea … in theory, so far

Amazon Kindle Matchbook is a great idea … in theory, so far


I think Amazon’s Kindle Matchbook program is a good idea. They now allow you to get Kindle versions of physical books you’ve purchased from them in the past or from now on for anywhere from free to $2.99. I love the idea of having some of my favorite books in ebook format so that I always have them with me. It’s great … in theory.

Unfortunately, the reality–at least right now– is lacking. You can sign in and get a list of your purchased books that qualify for the program, but of the hundreds (mayb thousands) of books I’ve bought from Amazon over the past nearly two decades, a grand total of 7 qualify to be matched. And only one of them is a reference book that I might refer back to, while the rest are novels I know I will never read again. (Although there are some novels I would love to get as ebooks.) On top of that, they’re all $1.99 except for the one reference book which is $2.99. That’s not a lot of money, except by definition I already own these books (or owned, since I’ve already given most of these away; like I said, not books I intended to read again.)

I suspect that the list of eligible books will grow over time as Amazon creates agreements with publishers and authors, but for now there’s nothing there for me.

1 comment
  • It was even worse for me; exactly one book matched. Like you, I have bought many, many books on Amazon in the past. Oh well……..

