A national search for a qualified(?) candidate

A national search for a qualified(?) candidate

When you’re looking for a new principal for your parish school and you note in the news article that your national search included an ad in the National Catholic Reporter’s classifieds, I’m thinking that fidelity to the Church’s teachings and the magisterium are not high on your list of priorities.

Chandra Minor has been named the new principal for Our Lady Comforter of the Afflicted’s parish school, according to the Rev. Sean McCarthy. “She has a significant background in elementary and middle school curriculum, as well as school management,” said McCarthy. Minor, principal of the Perry Elementary School in South Boston, was offered the position about a month ago, according to McCarthy. She is scheduled to begin working at Our Lady’s on July 1.

... A national search for her replacement was launched with an ad in the National Catholic Reporter and ads in local newspapers.

I recall reading NCR’s classifieds for the entertainment value several years ago when I had access to free copies (I’d never pay for it). It’s like reading a field guide to the kooky heterodox fringe of Catholicism and beyond.

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bk_keywords:Catholic, school, education.

  • They’re going to need a lot of comforting from Our Lady if/when they become afflicted with a principal who reads the “NCR” regularly!

