Top 10 movies I won’t watch on my flight to Madrid

Top 10 movies I won’t watch on my flight to Madrid

I’m thinking about what movies to put on my iPad for my transatlantic flight today and here’s my top 10 list of movies I won’t be watching:

1. Airport (1975, 1977, etc)
2. The Langoliers
3. Alive
4. The pilot episode of Lost
5. Die Harder
6. United 93
7. Twilight Zone: The Movie
8. Castaway
9. Airplane

And of course, at the top of the list:
10. Snakes on a Plane

What else would you recommend?

  Posted via email  from Bettnetlog 


  • You omitted “Airplane”?  As Lloyd Bridges might have said, “Looks like you picked the wrong movie not to watch on this trip!”

  • “Final Destination” has to be the worst, because it may plant a seed of of terror in your mind. I mean… what if you land safely, but you weren’t SUPPOSED to? What if Death is furious that you’ve survived, and is planning to kill you in some gruesome way long after you think you’re sfely home???

