Nova Star ferry released from arrest, leaves Maine in disappointment

Nova Star ferry released from arrest, leaves Maine in disappointment

Nova Star ferry released from arrest, leaves Maine in disappointment:

"The departure came a little more than a month after federal officials seized the ferry and ordered it to pay back about $800,000 in unpaid bills."

First, the way this was written annoys me. A ferry doesn't pay bills; a ferry operator does. Likewise, a ferry cannot be arrested; it can be seized. It is property, not a person. Sometimes you can take cutesy too far.

Second, why is it so hard to establish a regular ferry route between New England and Nova Scotia? Melanie and I took a high-speed catamaran ferry from Bar Harbor, Maine to Yarmouthport, NS on our honeymoon and it was great. Instead of a whole day of driving, we were there in 45 minutes. It's a little longer out of Portland, but it's still better than driving. Maybe people just perceive it as too expensive.

In any case, this was the third attempt to run a regular ferry route from Mane to Nova Scotia in the past ten years. I hope somebody figures it out because I hope to go back to the Maritimes on vacation again and would much prefer time on a ferry, even overnight, to driving the whole way.

Photo: Matt Hinsta/Flickr CC-BY-NC-ND-2.0


