Cho’s wasn’t the only violence-obsessed writer at VT

Cho’s wasn’t the only violence-obsessed writer at VT

After the murders at Virginia Tech last week, we found that the killer, Cho Seung-hui, had been asked to leave a creative writing class because other students felt threatened. Yet why didn’t his extremely violent and disgusting writings set off warning bells sooner?

Maybe because his professor, famed poet Nikki Giovanni, is herself the author of violent and disgusting poetry. They’re so bad that I won’t reproduce them here. You can read them if you click on the link.

What’s especially sorrowful is that Giovanni was asked to give the closing remarks at the university’s convocation memorializing the dead, but there was nary a mention of her colleague, a true hero of that day, Prof. Liviu Librescu, a Holocaust survivor who gave his life giving his students time to get away from the killer.

As more and more information comes out about Cho and his obessions with violence and deviant sex and his extreme anti-social behavior, we’re left wondering how no one took definitive action to prevent this trgaedy. But, of course, we’ve discarded the idea that a university should act “in loco parentis” and instead, they have become incubators for the most radical and bizarre ideologies and anti-social institutions masquerading as academia. Why are we surprised?

  • I’ve been raised and immersed in such beliefs, that many of us trying to overcome such an experience are at a lost where we should start educating ourselves. Most of the time I find myself learning along side my young daughter about culture, religion, and civilization.

    Intersting opinion piece on Academia…

    Camille Paglia, Defender of the West

    “’I remain concerned about the compulsive compulsive denigration of the West and the reductiveness so many leading academics in the humanities have toward their own tradition,’ she tells me. ‘They reduce it all to the lowest common denominator of racism, imperialism, sexism and homophobia. That’s an extremely small-minded way of looking at culture and a betrayal of the career mission of these educators, whose job is to educate students in our culture.’”

    The elite classes are blasé about Western tradition. The atheist Paglia is distressed that only students from poorer backgrounds know the Bible: 

    “If the elite class sees nothing in the West to defend, we’re reproducing this situation of the late Roman Empire, which was very cosmopolitan and very tolerant, but which was undone by forces from within,” she says.

    What are those who want to conserve the traditional Western humanities as a refuge from cultural barbarism supposed to do? Said Dr. Paglia, emphatically: “It’s up to people to educate themselves.”

  • I watched Ms. Giovanni being interviewed on CNN shortly after VT happened, and all she could talk about was wanting that boy (Cho) out of her class, it was all about herself, me, me, me … It really turned me off.  I thought, what’s this woman doing, when so many people have been slaughtered, all she can do is talk about herself … booo-ring!  I found myself thinking, shut up, you idiot, and go say some prayers for your dead students.  I then told God i was sorry and started praying for her!

