The beard thing

The beard thing

Just so you know, I’ve had my beard for more than six years, long before it was hip, fashionable, or “metrosexual.”

What is it with metrosexual anyway? It used to describe guys who did girly things, but weren’t, you know, girly. But now it apparently just means fashionable and hip. I mean, what could be less girly than a beard?

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  • It all depends on the type of beard.  Those thin things are worn by metrosexuals but lumberjacks have beards and I wouldn’t call one of them a metrosexual.

  • Ick.  Now they’ll start touting products to tame that unruly beard.

    Don’t worry, Dom.  No doubt you’ve been called many things but I’ll bet “metrosexual” was never one of them.

    Hopefully the fashionistas will move onto another trend soon.

  • “I mean, what could be less girly than a beard?”

    Obviously Dom, you have never been to see the “bearded lady” at the circus… Of course, she wouldn’t have been described as ‘girly’ either, I suppose. Then, I do recall some girls that had quite a healthy moustache…:)

  • as a guy entering his late 40’s living in Manhattan, I see young 20-something metros quite frequently. Usually not at the sports bar, but at the Fondue place. Not that I go into the Fondue place, I just walk by on the way back from buying my 40 at the bodega.

    The little fairy beards seem to be sprouting into full ones, I blame Matisyahu for some of this.

  • I lived in San Francisco for two years. The one time I visited Most Holy Redeemer (the Castro district parish), I was loudly (almost flamboyantly) complimented on my beard by a gent I’d never met before, and who had a similarly laudible one. The anecdote’s point being, it’s been a part of homosexual fashion sense for a while, so it was just a matter of time before the metros caught up.

  • “I mean, what could be less girly than a beard?”

    Some beards are intentionally “girly.”  Just look at Katie Holmes!

  • I have noticed that a lot of young guys are sporting beards like Matisyahu’s. He’s about as anti girly as you can get.

  • maybe the begiining of orthodox chic? The increase in male orthodox in full old style dress maybe having an influence on those style makers over in the garment district?

