New Catholic blog search engine

New Catholic blog search engine

Tim Harrison, who operates the excellent portal, now has a new web, a search engine for Catholic blogs. He says it currently has over 13,000 articles from 698 Catholic blogs. More than just a search engine it also allows you to create an RSS feed for a particular search term so that, for example, it will alert you whenever one of the Catholic bloggers writes about the Confiteor.

He also offers a low-bandwidth version perfect for PDAs and cell phones and is planning a “Guide to Catholic Blogs.”

I’m going to put this in my blogroll. For next year’s Catholic Blog Awards we should give out a special award for service to the Catholic blogging community. I nominate Tim.

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  • Bravo! This looks to be an excellent replacement for google alerts. Personally the rss feed capability puts it over the top. Now you can create your own feed viewable thru Bloglines. Well done.

    Curious, what are the requirements for being listed?

  • “More than just a search engine it also allows you to create an RSS feed for a particular search term so that, for example, it will alert you whenever one of the Catholic bloggers writes about the <u>Confiteor</u>.”

    Very cool! Hey, if I can’t hear it I can at least read about it!

  • Another person deserving recognition is John Bowden, who maintains the Catholc Blogs and Resources page.  BTW, the list there is sync’ed with the St. Blog’s Parish Aggregator (which is also searchable, btw).  John and I are currently working with Kathryn Lively to unite the St. Blog’s Parish webring with our lists.  We don’t have the resources that Mr. Harrison has, but we’re doing our best to bring cool stuff to St. Blog’s. smile

    P.S. I got your membership request for the aggregator, Dom, and I’ll be adding you soon. smile

