Liberal Catholics afraid you’ll vote your Catholic conscience - UPDATED

Liberal Catholics afraid you’ll vote your Catholic conscience - UPDATED

A couple of days ago I posted a video from a group called The Catholic Vote, essentially urging Catholics to consider the important role we play in the public square when we do our civic duty with our Catholic moral principles in mind, including when we vote. It was non-partisan and quite well done.

Last night I received a boilerplate comment on that post—which I did not put through because my blog is not a billboard for other people’s political gamesmanship—darkly warning:

If you forward this video or link to the website in your official capacity you may be in violation of IRS regulations and Church policy.  You will also be distributing materials that contradict Church teaching.

The first part is just pure baloney designed to scare priests and lay employees of the Church and other non-profits from engaging their free speech rights. The second part is also baloney because this is what they claim contradicts Church teaching:

Among other things, the video glorifies US economic and military power. This runs contrary to Catholic Social Teaching which emphasizes a preferential option for the poor and solidarity.

What this shows is that this is nothing more than the same old liberal “progressive” wing of the Democratic Party at prayer who create a moral equivalency between abortion and a graduated tax rate; who reject the Church’s actual teaching on pacifism, just war, and self-defense; who prattle on about “single-issue” voting when what they’re really interested in protecting is the Big Government, Nanny state, tax-and-spend handouts as embodied by today’s Democrat Party.

Further proof is found in more dark warnings that some of the people behind Catholic Vote are— gasp — Republicans who, they proclaim breathlessly, “even supported republican Senator Rick Santorum over Bob Casey, a pro-life Catholic democrat, during the 2006 election cycle.” Yes, Rick Santorum, a pro-life Catholic Republican. I’m supposed to be dismayed by that?

I won’t dignify this blatant attempt at obfuscation, fear-mongering, and partisanship disguised as non-partisan Catholic citizenship by giving them a link to their site. Let’s just say, it’s the same old group of politically liberal Catholics who’ve been trying to provide cover for the rabidly pro-abortion Democratic Party in the last few election cycles. They claim to be “united” for the “common good”, if you know what I mean.

All they’ve done with this stunt is make me more supportive of Catholic Vote.

Update: Going back over the video, I’m struck by how duplicitous this Democratic operative is. In fact, the video spends more than 80 percent of its time talking about how life and family are the most important issues facing us. Then it says “The strength of our nation is not only in its military or economic power, but in our commitment to moral values.”[emphasis added] This does not in any way glorify US economic and military power, but subordinates it to a morality that is compatible with Catholic teaching (and not just “Catholic Social Teaching,” but the whole seamless garment, if I may use that term correctly.)

  • I am not at all suprised at this development, the liberal “catholics” are on the run right now.  It may be that some who actively support abortion and homosexual rights fear that they themselves may soon lose the “right” to communion.  So yes, they are going to try to muddy the waters regarding what constitutes moral and legal ways of supporting our candidates.

      I am pleased to see so many bishops stepping up to the plate to defend Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist these days. 

    The battle is joined.  Bring it on!
    Fiat Voluntas Tua!

  • Liberals delude themselves into thinking that they’ve actually read the IRS regulations governing religious groups, just as they think they’ve read Jefferson’s exchange of letters with the Danbury Baptists.

  • “If you forward this video or link to the website in your official capacity you may be in violation of IRS regulations and Church policy.”

    And what’s your official capacity vis-à-vis this blog?  Husband? Father? Neighbor?

    Obviously, the individual who emailed the warning to you is not very bright.


  • Just another example showing that when liberals can’t compete in the arena of ideas, their strategy is to destroy and shut down opposing viewpoints.

  • Huh.

    Dom, you know, I’ve got a similar post on my comments when I posted the same video, albeit with a different tone:

    [Edited by Dom. I’d rather folks clicked on the link to Theo’s blog to read it. Re-posting the comment here just gives a wider airing to their propaganda.]

    I think we are facing a concerted, focused, orchestrated, agitprop campaign aimed at diluting any pro-Life message that may be remotedly derogatory to the Obama campaign.

    Check it out for yourself.


  • I posted the video and received the same comments, from a Pax Christi blogger. I told her to keep her threats to herself, that until President Obama shuts me down(heaven forbid), I will speak the truth.
    What upset me was the charges from conservative Catholics that this video was misleading on life issues because JFK was in it. I never got the impression that he was endorsed by Grassroots Productions, simply that his presidency was a landmark of Catholic influence in American political life.
    IF prolife Catholics can’t agree on that inspiring video, we will NEVER be a voting block.

  • If you forward this video or link to the website in your official capacity you may be in violation of IRS regulations and Church policy.

    That reminds me of when, a few months ago, my bishop, Bp. Tobin (Providence), blasted Rudy Giuliani’s pro-choice stance and got threatened by some group to report him to the IRS.  Nothing like a good BS story to stifle one’s freedom of speech.

  • Oy vey.  Amazing how some people have gotten completely unhinged this election season.  Glad you posted the video and this follow-up, Dom.

  • When did the word “liberal” become a synonym for “fascism??”
      Answer: When they started terrorizing conservatives when they came to college campuses so that many conservatives now do not dare to give speeches there.
        —-When Thugs For Obama started terrorizing a radio talk show host in Chicago.
      ——When college campuses started outlawing politically incorrect speech.
        ——When opposition to Gov. Sarah Palin became almost a pathological liberal insanity with derogatory insults by liberals flying at her from everywhere left. (Including wishing her gang-raped, calling her “fluff,” “disabled,” and “white trash.”)—And these are people who consider themselves members of the “intelligentsia.”
      —When they started to demand a “fairness doctrine” because they couldn’t compete for radio audiences and so want the government to install a policy that will wipe out talk radio.

  • Dom,
    I believe the video was one of the best I have seen. I think it should be shown in our parishes just as the Cardinals Appeal is. We need to unite as Catholics, a voting block that has real teeth.

    The liberals know how good it was and that is the reason for all the uproar.

