Chicago charity responds on Clinton appearance

Chicago charity responds on Clinton appearance

A reader writes that he received a response from the Mercy Home for Boys & Girls in Chicago that hosted the fundraiser at which Hillary Clinton spoke the other day.

I just received a call from a staff member, a Mr. Mroz(?), at Mercy Home for Boys and Girls in Chicago who was calling on behalf of Father Scott Donahue, the Home’s Administrator. Father Donahue was instructed by Cardinal George to respond to the outpouring of angry calls that the Cardinal and Mercy Home received protesting [pro-abort, pro-homosexual marriage]Senator Clinton’s appearance at a noon fund-raising luncheon for Mercy Home on May 7th. I had called both men on May 4th when I first learned of this fiasco and tried to at least get Cardinal George to speak out against having the Senator speak for an organization that is part of the Archdiocese.

The spokesman blamed their auxiliary board for arranging the event, and stated that never, never again would they have another abortion supporter as a speaker nor anyone whose actions and statements ran counter to the Church’s teachings. The cardinal took heat on this and rightly so.


Sure, it was nice to get a call. In fact, I am quite surprised and stated to the spokesman that I would pray for Mercy and their staff. And I think that even with the heat that he took, the Cardinal showed the grace and contrition needed in this case.

The Senator, by the way, did not get a lot of press for speaking at the Mercy event. Her appearance was listed at the bottom of a May 7th Chicago Tribune article reporting that she had cancelled an appearance at her own fund-raiser for lack of attendees.

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