Abandoned baby given decent burial

Abandoned baby given decent burial

This is a sad story of a baby abandoned to die. What makes it so tragic is that it just doesn’t have to happen. Even worse, pro-abortionists will use it to claim a need for even wider access to abortion.

On June 1, a janitor at Brighton (Mass.) High School found the body of dead baby girl in a bathroom. The Boston Globe chooses to call her “an abandoned female fetus.” But this baby was delivered. This child, who wasn’t full-term, was not simply a mass of cells or whatever other euphemism they would choose. What this reveals is that the use of the term “fetus” has nothing to do with science, as pro-aborts claim, but is purely ideological, meant to identify any child unwanted by her mother, to de-humanize them and make the discarding of them less callous. It’s designed to numb the conscience.

Meanwhile, the Boston Herald gives us more of the story and, not incidentally, calls her “a stillborn baby.” The janitor who discovered her named the baby Frances Hope, and she is being buried today in a plot donated by the Archdiocese of Boston.

Brighton High custodian Kevin Mojave thinks about that baby every single day of his life, how fragile and defenseless the tiny thing was, discarded like trash inside a toilet in a girls’ bathroom.

But since June 1, when he found the baby while cleaning restrooms after school, his anger at the baby’s mother has subsided into a sympathy he was slow to understand.

“God knows what was going through her head to be brought to a point in life where she felt that was her only option,” he said yesterday. “That must be a horrible place to be.”

Of course, it wasn’t her only option, and I don’t mean abortion or even the Baby Safe Haven law that allows mothers to drop off newborns less than 7 days old at a fire station, police station, or hospital. There are also crisis pregnancy centers who would do whatever it takes to help the mother do the right thing by her child.

The mother hasn’t been identified, but you also don’t hear a thing about the father. Was he another student or, as happens so often in teen pregnancy, an older man? What kind of pressure was the girl facing? When I’ve prayed outside abortion clinics, whenever I’ve seen young women entering they usually look reluctant and they’re usually accompanied by their father or boyfriend, firmly leading them in, once even dragging her in. It’s the “pro-choice” myth.

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  • Murdering a precious and irreplacable human being is never the only option. It is the most evil option that some people choose to committ against the innocent. 

    Two weeks ago, we saved a mom who truly had an abortion three weeks prior.  The baby boy is still alive and will be born (God willing) in December. Her circumstances are abominable but she trusted us and many people are helping in many different ways – even strangers!

    No one gets to a place where killing their baby is the only option.  It is the most evil option.

    Whoever did this to their child needs many prayers for conversion. “Whatsoever you did to the least of my bretheren you did unto Me.” 

    I wonder if the janitor would think it merely a horrible place to be for a husband who dumped the body of his wife in a toilet. 


  • How funny – I have the newspaper open to that story right now, b/c I am planning on cutting it out and putting it on our refrigerator. My father was a Boston Public School custodian (and worked at Brighton High for a while, in fact) and there was something about the story that really resonated with me. On one occasion, my father took one of the coats at our house and gave it to a girl that he would see at his school who didn’t have one. Like Kevin Mojave, he would have been completely heartbroken to make a discovery like that.

