A few interesting web sites

A few interesting web sites

Today, I have a couple of interesting web sites I’ve stumbled upon in the last few weeks that I thought might interest you all.

First there’s Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide. It’s kind of interesting. It’s not just a computer/technology site, but it’s a form of blog that approaches life from a geek point of view. Rather than teaching you how to “hack” your computer, it’s a guide to “hacking” life, i.e. cool tips and tricks for doing a variety of things better or more efficiently. It’s a little hard to describe so let me give a few examples of recent posts. One post linked to a page on blogging for beginners. Another linked to suggestions on the best way to mark up a book. They have a series of posts called “MacGyver Tips,” that for example, tell you how to fix scratched CDs using toothpaste, or how to start a fire using a Coke can and a chocolate bar.

Pandora for music and Newsvine for news

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